pyramid coincidencesaccuweather summer forecast 2022

The ancient Egyptians could not possibly have known the speed of light, and anyway, they . The pyramid inch is a unit of measure claimed by pyramidologists to have been used in ancient times. The design of the Great Pyramid is based on the ratio 11:7. . As we all know, the pyramid is the most important symbol in Freemasonry and it is because of the wisdom encoded within it. The explanation of the coincidence is a different question. A few key pieces of evidence form the . Most "pyramidologists" appear to be "chasing their tails" uncovering huge amount of "numerical coincidences" embedded in the Great Pyramid… It's clearly a mountain. Pyramids show advanced knowledge of mathematical constants. It can be found at the coordinates 79°58'39.25″S 81°57'32.21″W. Attached are two copper fittings, one broken. Another very strange Great Pyramid "coincidence" related to the speed of light was discovered by John Charles Webb Jr. : Precise latitude of the centre of the Grand Gallery (inside GP) is 29° 58′ 45.28″ N = 29.9792458° N The word "coincidence" used in scientific writing just means things coming together, it doesn't imply it is accidental. The Great Pyramid has 8-sided base. Archaeologist - Semir Osmanagic was visiting a museum in Visoko, in Bosnia and Herzegovina . We further show how direct inhibition of calcium channels in the dendrites modulates such coincidence detection. The newly . . Chert, for example, has a higher hardness . 2.5 Million blocks of stone were used to build the pyramid that covers more than 13 acres of land. On the arid coastal plain of Peru, the Nazca Lines are enormous geoglyphs, lines carved into the sand and rock, some measuring as long as 1,200 feet. Granted, the pyramid does lie on this line of latitude but so does every spot on the Earth on that circle. How they were transported and lifted in an age where technology and heavy machinery never existed still remains a mystery. 188o), pp. Egyptian archaeologists and scientists have spent many years trying to uncover the true secrets of th. Speedy building process relied on primitive tools. Some Interesting and . Is this merely a coincidence, or is it possible that the pyramids weren't burial chambers but rather energy transmitters? The Pyramids can be seen from the moon. The word pyramid is composed of the Greek words pyra meaning fire, light, or visible, and the word midos meaning measures. The tip of the . Pyramids show advanced knowledge of mathematical constants. The Pyramids are a giant boat is the latest theory by historian Mathew Sibson, who believes that the Pyramids are actually Noah's Ark, used in the Genesis flood story through which God spares Noah, his family, and all the animals that received the invite to join (giants and dinosaurs showed up too late). In my last post I suggested a coincidence with 63360 inches in a mile and 6336 kilometres being the radius of a sphere the diameter being 12,672 km and connected to the height of the Great Pyramid. A scientist says he accidentally discovered a pyramid in Crimea, Ukraine. One layer of these mysteries are the symbols carved inside another symbol over the pyramid entrance. What we can see is the architects and their decision to use 2 approximates for pi. Definitely. An ancient wonder and an ancient mystery and one that is layered in mysteries. The probability that a data cluster of this magnitude is formed coincidentally is 0%. The pyramid of Meidum marked the definitive triumph of this new model of funeral . That's exactly how I felt when I recently stumbled upon these images on the web. Some say this is just one of the many numerical 'coincidences' embedded within the Great Pyramid. For example, the number of cards laid out in a pyramid is 28, the same number of pairs of cards and kings. One such thing was discovered in 2005. For the Great Pyramid, Base to Height Ratio 440/280 is exactly 11/7. This number is the same as the number of cards in the deck. It's important to keep in mind that it originally had an outer casing of white limestone blocks that were perfectly polished and fitted. In 2020 Dr. Beitman founded The Coincidence Project . Ancient Egyptians used to carry heavy blocks on sleds and pour water in front of it to make it easier to move. Built to help the kings ascend to the God of Sun. The pyramid is said to have been built before the time of the dinosaurs! The speed of light in a vacuum is 299,792,458 meters per second (m/s). 6 amazing pyramid coincidences that confuse scientists! There is reason to believe the ancient or "pyramid inch" was equal to 1.00106 modern inches. Don't let the simplicity of that structure lead. This area of the shaft is lined with Tura limestone, which is typically used in pyramids only for lining chambers. The first symbol being the hieroglyph Djew. In 1864, another researcher, Smith, continued to decipher Khufu's pyramid and discovered more mysteries. round 3 of the great pyramid's "coincidences" and this one is just unignorable fellas.. the difference between the circumferences of the outer circle and the inner circle match with a precision of more than %99.97 the exact value of the speed of light. Fact: I can confirm that the speed of light constant, c, is exactly the same number as a latitude (East) coordinate falling within the perimeter of the Great Pyramid! [68:173] - Sixty-five meters up the southern shaft of the Queen's Chamber is a miniature portcullis slab discovered by a robotic camera in 1993. Thousands of years later, Ramses, the egomaniacal dictator-pharaoh of Egypt, decided that he didn't like having the head of a . P (x) = 1 to 5.91×1025. These mysterious pyramids are said to have been constructed with over 2 million bricks that weighed between 2.5 and 15 tons each. People tend to look for something impressive, a supernatural or "psychic" or religious . They have used 22/7 and 864/275 to reach slightly different numbers. 1 of 2 claims A GPS coordinate consists of two numbers, latitude (North . These considerations suggest that the famous relationship between &pi and the Great Pyramid of Khufu is a coincidence which has its roots in two facts - one purely mathematical and the other historical, but both involving the number 7: 1. The ratio of the height to the base is 0.636. Forgive, and be forgiven.". Known to a lesser degree, it is the capstone which is honored most among the Masons. is only one square that exactly fits it which is a square with a side of 115.19 meters . In addition, the smallest Pyramid of the 3 Pyramids making up the Giza Complex is misaligned in a way that matches the arrangement of the 3 Stars making up the Orion Constellation. It has taken many years for me to uncover and be ready to share this information. Original Entrance to Great Pyramid. I couldn't help but crack up at how funny the coincidences are. It is no coincidence that Huni, Sneferu's predecessor, was the first monarch to inscribe his name and titles on a cartouche, the oval that symbolizes Ra's journey; nor that Djedefre, Sneferu's grandson, was the first pharaoh to be called Son of Ra. Supposedly it was one twenty-fifth of a "sacred cubit ", 1.00106 imperial inches, or 2.5426924 centimetres. The astonishing fact is that today's advanced machines can lift only 25,000 kg. The Crimean peninsula is a fascinating place in terms of ancient history and archaeology, and was invaded and inhabited by all sorts of tribes and nations, from Cimmerians, Greeks and Romans to the Genoese, Kumans and Osman Turks. One researcher at the forefront of the Bosnian pyramid mystery is Semir Osmanagic, a Ph.D and a Bosnian born resident of the United States.He is a former Anthropology professor at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina and established a non-profit and non-government, Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation to pursue the excavation and geo . Another very strange Great Pyramid "coincidence" related to the speed of light was discovered by John Charles Webb Jr. : Precise latitude of the centre of the Grand Gallery (inside GP) is 29° 58′ 45.28″ N = 29.9792458° N As a result, he found that if the circumference of the pyramid is divided by 2 times the height, the result will be 3.14159. . A mathematical coincidence is said to occur when two expressions with no direct relationship show a near-equality which has no apparent theoretical explanation.. For example, there is a near-equality close to the round number 1000 between powers of 2 and powers of 10: = =. For many years, I have been finding links that connect my life to the Great Pyramid in Egypt. Built to help the kings ascend to the God of Sun. Occult Coincidences: The Kardashian's Masonic Symbolism. Satellite images show the pyramid has four steep sides much like the Great Pyramid of Giza. Some mathematical coincidences are used in engineering when one expression is taken as an approximation of another. The internal construction of the Great Pyramid resembles a power plant, and no mummy has ever been found inside the pyramid. It was Taylor who, based on the records of travelers, took a number of mathematical coincidences and declared that the Great Pyramid was built "to make a record of the measure of the Earth". And Isis was the lady of the . 66, 73. The truth is that the Great Pyramid of Giza encodes a massive number of numerical 'coincidences.' Among the most fascinating, we find that the relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid. The short list is a PI Pyramid, a PHI Pyramid and the Quantum Pyramid, all three are valid and related to each other, only the Quantum Pyramid is exact solution the other two are approximations. The Extensive Research. The Pyramid Age began with a burst of building, starting with the 3rd Dynasty reign of Djoser.Some of the early kings, most specifically Snefru, built more than one pyramid.Almost all of the kings added to their number through the end of the Middle Kingdom, with the possible exception of the First Intermediate Period . Understandably, people remark that this must be a coincidence. Speedy building process relied on primitive tools. round 3 of the great pyramid's "coincidences" and this one is just unignorable fellas.. the difference between the circumferences of the outer circle and the inner circle match with a precision of more than %99.97 the exact value of the speed of light. That such an event is due to "mere coincidence" is usually dismissed at once as a possibility. These are freaking hilarious! The speed of light in a vacuum is 299, 792, 458 meters per second, and the geographic coordinate for the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458°N. Condemn not, and be not condemned. Note that the Hebrew year 5786 begins on September 23, 2025 on Rosh Hashana. First "bashing rocks together" is a gross oversimplification. Mark Lehner . 5793 of our inches would be 5786.8659 pyramid inches. They built it with a head of a lion to match the Belt of Orion, as well as the constellation of Leo. .. 30º subtract 6.5º = 23.5º. The aliens, with their plethora of wisdom, came down in the year 10,500 BC and built the Pyramids and the Sphinx. . There are several ancient world maps made hundreds of years ago that clearly show Antarctica in its enormous form. Once in a blue moon, something is discovered that completely rocks the world of archaeology and invites us to reconsider what we understand of history. This ratio (equal 1.571) is perfect approximation of the "squaring the circle" principle. "Judge not, and be not judged. The weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons. The apex of the pyramid creates a "spin field" within its center, and once energy has . The Pyramid is not devoid of interesting coincidences. A GPS coordinate consists of two numbers, latitude (North . For the Great Pyramid, Base to Height Ratio 440/280 is exactly 11/7. The truth is that the Great Pyramid of Giza encodes a massive number of numerical 'coincidences.' Among the most fascinating, we find that the relationship between Pi (p) and Phi (F) is expressed in the fundamental proportions of the Great Pyramid. In fact the F-117 Nighthawk is actually pretty much bang on the same shape as a Pyramid from the front looking straight at it. And many other lines of latitude also pass through the pyramid (that coordinate is incredibly precise). To establish the singe-cell . The Great Pyramid's elevation encodes three of the most important constants in mathematics: π, Φ, and e. The slope angle of 51°51' (51.85° in decimal form) comes from measurements taken off the remaining casing stones, according to detailed survey data from Flinders Petrie and J.H. In the 21 centuries, the mysteries of the pyramids continue to baffle some of the world's top archaeologists, architects, and professors of culture today. and who built it?" 3:* Mr. Proctor regards this fact as a mere coincidence, although he deems it probable that the smaller unit of measurement used p. 4 by the Great Pyramid builders was intended to have a relation to the earth's diameter, as stated in the text.—"Myths and Marvels of Astronomy" (Ed. There is no team of scientists, no matter how large and how well funded, who can beat this number. History The Capstone is the stone at the top of a pyramid, it's traditionally carved from a solid piece of stone and completes the structure. This creates a pyramid with a base width of 2 (i.e., two triangles above placed back-to-back) and a height of the square root of Phi, 1.272. They often used harder materials to grind, scrape, and ultimately cut less harder materials. When something happens that is perceived to be dramatic or unexpected, there is a tendency to look for equally "dramatic" causes for the event. In addition, the other stars of Cygnus fell into key places at Giza— unlike Orion. It measures at 1.608, a variance of only 0.06%. . Just out of curiosity, do you think it's a coincidence that we didn't have Triangle aircraft or Pyramid shaped crafts before we went to the Moon (where as you can see from the images above, there are Triangle shaped . The Great Pyramid, The Great Discovery, and The Great Coincidence by Mark Herkommer April 28, 2017 The Great Pyramid The Great Pyramid, The Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), built between 2589 - 2566 BC, stands today as one of the greatest architectural achievements. At first glance these facts seems far too accurate to be mere coincidence, but watch how easy all this is rationalized. The Great Pyramid of Giza has around 23 lacs limestones, and the weight of one limestone is between 2,700 kg to 70,000 kg. However, Barchenko was not a mainstream scientist, and to date, his beliefs . p = probability of success = 0.03333 (3 degrees out of 90 degrees) x = number of successes = 102. Each king in this solitaire is valued at 13 points for a total of 52. I do not know the hearts of these people and so this is not about sorting them as bad or good. It was built in the 12 th century A.D., more than 3,500 years after the pyramids of Giza. The weight of the pyramid is estimated at 5,955,000 tons. Christopher Dunn is an engineer who first became obsessed with the precision of the Giza pyramids in 1977. A vast network of underground chambers and water tunnels have been discovered beneath several of the world's most well-known pyramids, including the Great Pyramid on Egypt's Giza Plateau. There are some photos that you just have to share on social media, aside from your typical selfies. Not only did the three main stars of Cygnus fit onto the three pyramids at Giza at the conventionally accepted date of 2600 BC, they actually fit better than the three stars of Orion's Belt—in either 2600 BC or the 10,500 BC date. John thinks this is no coincidence. Furthermore, the exact geographical coordinates of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458°N and the speed of light is: 299,792,458 meters per second. Egyptian Pyramid Facts. Most Egyptologists estimate between 2.3 and 2.6 million blocks of stone were used to build the great pyramid. Footnotes. Taylor, an eccentric British publisher, believed that the architect who had planned and supervised the building of the Great Pyramid was not an Egyptian at . The Skeptical Tools Of Synchronicity And Serendipity You can verify these encodings with the following equations. The design of the Great Pyramid is based on the ratio 11:7. . Bernard D. Beitman, M.D., is a leader in the field; he has published several academic papers on the topic and is the author of the 2016 book Connecting with Coincidence: The New Science for Using Synchronicity and Serendipity in Your Life. . Isis is the lady of the Pyramid, Nun-Hathor and Atum-Ptah gave her the custody. However, some enthusiasts have noticed the number is exactly the same as the speed of light . . Buaval also questions whether its mere coincidence that the Giza Pyramid Complex and the Sphinx would have been aligned with Orion's Belt in 10, 450 BC. It is also locked into the planet's true cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west, though there is a very slight discrepancy of 3/60ths of a degree error. Cole . The pyramid, the man continues, is the "source of the endless red roar." Visible to a select few, it "emits a different kind of sound wave" in order to "infect the world to destroy mankind's . The base of the middle pyramid in relation to the height of this perimeter rectangle is also very close to the golden ratio. Taken together, this results in a simple, yet elegant, golden ratio geometry. . Answer (1 of 12): What's even more incredible is that if you draw a circle around the base of the pyramide and divide the length of the circle with the distance from corner to corner on the base of the Pyramide, you get the same number as if divide the length of the equator with the diameter of t. Ancient Egyptians knew about the precession of the equinoxes. The base of the middle pyramid is a golden ratio of the width of that perimeter rectangle. is only one square that exactly fits it which is a square with a side of 115.19 meters . The Great Pyramid remains today as the last standing wonder of the ancient world. Many more smaller buildings around the pyramids. For centuries these ancient tunnels have remained hidden and off-limits to everyone but a select few. This finding piqued my curiosity, because it is, at the very least, an extraordinary coincidence — a synchronicity. The estimated number of workers involved in this noble course was over 100,000 skilled men. However, some. 2:* "The Great Pyramid: Why was it built? Coincidence is a fascinating topic, and one that has fostered an emerging field of scientific research. Tim G. Hunkler- Symbolism and Coincidences of the Great Pyramid. The claim goes something like this: The speed of light, when measured in a vacuum, is 299,792,458 metres per second, and The Great Pyramid is located at the latitude of 29.9792458 degrees north. The coordinates of the Great Pyramid of Giza is 29.9792458°N Our verdict This is only one coordinate, giving its latitude but not its longitude. These personal coincidences and my continued interest in the pyramid suggest to me that I am somehow connected with the pyramid. This ratio (equal 1.571) is perfect approximation of the "squaring the circle" principle. Egyptian Pyramid Facts. Graham Hancock-The Orion Mystery. Within the Great Pyramid, I have discovered links to my name and birthday (when using . The exact coordinates of the Great Pyramid of Giza are 29.9792458°N which by itself means very little. As the ICTV . Mer was also the Pyramid itself, recall. In short, the structure of pyramids has so many coincidences that we can't say that these are just coincidences. Christopher Dunn -Giza Power Plant. This is about the symbolism they use and are associated with. 1) if a point of latitude's merely crossing a structure at any point is the bar to meet for revealing a hidden meaning to its location, then the latitudes between 29.980150 and 29.978150 (all of. The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun - World's Largest Pyramid. Most scholars would answer that the world's many pyramids are the product of coincidence and convergence - peoples of different cultures imitating forms in nature, such as the mountains of Mexico . . Fact: I can confirm that the speed of light constant, c, is exactly the same number as a latitude (East) coordinate falling within the perimeter of the Great Pyramid! Looking at the Great Pyramid's latitudinal location on Earth, Hancock points out that it is located precisely on the 30th degree, halfway between the equator and the north pole. Ancient Egyptians knew about the precession of the equinoxes. After decades of research, in 1998 he published "The Giza Power Plant: Technologies of Ancient Egypt", setting the precedence for many of the pyramid energy theories which would follow. So, the Great Pyramid having been built 30 degrees north of the Equator so that as the Earth turns it comes as close as 6.5 degrees to the ecliptic, is in itself a significant statement which is pointing directly to the obliquity of the Earth's polar axis . Using a detailed multi-compartmental model, we show this physiological setup to be well suited for coincidence detection between basal and apical tuft inputs by controlling the frequency of spike output. Answer (1 of 29): Egyptian step pyramid were some of the earlier designs, what I have always found more fascinating was the Giza, if you look into the accuracy and sheer process of building such a marvelous piece of architecture it baffles the mind. - Luke 6:37. It is also only one of many lines of latitude that pass through the pyramid. Like, you know, some funny pics that drove you nuts. It is indeed ironic that something as important as this is also something that is hardly ever mentioned . Hence, major pyramids were not built throughout Egypt's ancient history. In other words it means "light measures" ― a measure of light or a witness thereof. As I mentioned above, the Great Pyramid indeed has this seked, and with a high degree of accuracy. 6 Crazy Conspiracy Theories Involving The Pyramids Of Giza Tuesday - 9/7/21 - UFOs, Bigfoot and Pyramid Conspiracy Theories On tonights show we'll discuss several new UFO and alien abduction stories from USAF airmen subject to abduction and abuse on the dark side of the moon, to recovered aliens in the New Mexico desert. If we subtract the commonly accepted 7 year tribulation, we end up . It was not just a coincidence that he traveled to other continents. In Episode 1 of Season 11 of Ancient Aliens, author David Childress . By pyramidologists to have been constructed with over 2 million bricks that weighed 2.5. Is just one of many lines of latitude but so does every on. 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